Ok ya'll, this has pretty much been an amazing weekend. I couldn't have asked for a better time. I started Saturday off by spending a few hours at Beebe Martial Arts with Chrissy for a self-defense class. I personally suggest this to every woman alive to protect herself from attackers. The statistics for sexual assaults are insane and most of us have been or could be a victim. But doing a class like this would give you the skills and awareness to keep the odds in your favor to not be a part of the statistics again or ever.
But I got down with my bad self! HI-YAH!!! I kicked some Jui-Jitsu booty!!!
And so did Chrissy!
While we were gone, Rainbow got to play in the sprinklers at Grandma's house.
My mother brought Rainbow to our class as it was finishing up. So we filled up and headed out to Floyd to see the cliffs. It was gorgeous. I remember coming out here before, but I don't remember with who. It's been quite a few years...I recall that I was 15 or 16. But Chrissy had never seen them, so we went out there. And of course, we were jamming out to some Luke Bryan the whole way! I forgot how beautiful it is out in that area...I mean it was just wonderful! There is a little spot-in-the-road gas station out there and the folks out there are so sweet. They are also extremely funny, in a good-ol'-country kind of way. Rainbow loved them and was talking to everyone and trying to sing and dance to them. This one elderly man came in to pay for his gas and started dancing with her! It was a trip! The ladies in there were just so sweet, too.

We woke up this morning and were in a rushed craze trying to get all of us ready for church this morning. Nothing seemed to go right and it was chaos. "I gotta go to the bathroom!" "Why did you turn that light out?" "Where did you put ___?" "I can't find it!" "Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom???"
Needless to say, we survived the morning. Haha! This morning at church, we celebrated and encouraged all of the graduates in the congregation. It was good to see all those "kids" up there, all grown up. Made me feel old and I'm in my mid-20's! After church, we went to Colton's Steakhouse for lunch. I had a delicious grilled chicken ceasar salad (I dearly missed eating these when I was pregnant). Rainbow and Ladybug were just so taken with each other. Rainbow wanted to love, kiss, and hug all over Ladybug. Ladybug just wanted to watch what big sis was doing. It was adorable. Ahhh....sibling love. Enjoy it while I can, right?

After Colton's, we went home and my Grandpa came to visit during naptime for the kids. Well neither of the kids wanted to nap. Ladybug ended up going down after laying down with my Grandma. But Rainbow was a live wire! Just as Grandpa was leaving, we got a call from Megan, inviting us to come swim. I packed Rainbow and I up and we headed to Megan's house (she's my brother, Marcus', fiancee). We swam in their huge pool for about 2 hours or so with Megan, Marcus, Ashley (Megan's sister), and Colton (Ashley's boyfriend). Rainbow loved it! Oh wow, she threw a fit when we got out...if you can't tell by this pouty face picture. :)

And now ladies and gentleman, to inform you of my favorite part of the weekend....Sunday Night!
We decided immediately after swimming that we wanted to go 4-wheeling! So we all dried off, got on clothes and boots we didn't care for getting all dirty, and headed out in the country to Colton's house. They took Megan's family's 4-wheeler out there after loading it up in his truck so we'd have another one. I borrowed Megan's muck boots, as seen in the picture below, because all I had were flip-flops. And since they are in fact, my favorite flip-flops, the high possibility of cow manure being flug on my flip-flop was not ok. So we rode, and rode, and rode for about 3 hours. We had a blast! Megan shook my brains out wheeling accross all the rocks. They had one area with these little hills or dunes way out on the trail...and they wanted to ramp it. Well since that's definitely not ok to do with my 3 year old, I was told to hop on with Colton on his 4-wheeler. I'm not sure if it was a mistake or possibly one of the most intense moments of my life. Folks, we ramped that thing and were in the air. I'm talking it scared me to death! I screamed my lungs out to high Heaven! I was terrified when I was getting off that thing, and I'm pretty sure my life flashed before my eyes. But I will have to say, it was probably one of the most fun and intense moments EVER!!! My heart was beating out of my chest, but it was awesome!
All in all, it was nothing less than amazing! Given, we had one unfortunate situation at the end. As it started getting dark, we decided to head back and trade in one of the 4-wheelers with another one that had a headlight so we could see in the dark with both of them. Then we headed back out in the fields. Well, just as it got black...Megan dropped the gear shift. She couldn't adjust up or down. And we searched, and searched, and searched. A slew of other events occured during our search, but we never found it. So we had to head back and close her down because it was getting too hot. But we kept getting dust and dirt in our eyes from following other 4-wheelers. I had a film of dust on my face that I kept attempting to wipe off every time we slowed down. Oh and did I forget to mention that the fields we were riding in were full of cows? I mean, tons of cows...that poop. Yep, it definitely got all over us. So how's that for a fun weekend, ya'll?
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