So this morning was wonderful, even into the afternoon. Picturesque, even.
I took Rainobw to the library to browse through some books and check a few out. Unfortunately, there was this around 7 years old, chubby, bullying boy visiting there also. He was being very rude, telling Rainbow he didn't want her there and she was gross. Never mind the fact that his grandma sat there without a word or care about it. I probably should have kept my mouth shut and just went on, but that did not happen. I told him he was rude and shouldn't be bullying little children. He proceeded to inform me that he didn't like me and my daughter was ugly. I then snatched Rainbow up, mouthed a few things about how people shouldn't let their kids/grandkids get away with such behavior (loudly), told Rainbow she doesn't want to play with mean people, and walked out. The other family in the kids room, who obviously didn't care for him and his grandmother, smiled at us and giggled as we left. Was it my best self at work? No. Was it going to ruin my day? Definitely not!
Next, we went to Larry's Pizza. My brother, Marcus, is a manager there. Rainbow loves going over there because she gets to see her uncle and she gets to play in the big game room. We always play games, collect tickets, cash em' in, and get a prize - she LOVES it! Oh and I will take this opportunity to mention...she ate a salad today!

After we got home, it began to rain. Oh boy, did it ever rain. It poured and it was gorgeous. It was short lived, though.
Gotta love rain on a tin roof. :)
Ok, so that seems like a pretty good day, huh?
It turned sour quickly. My Ladybug came down with a horrible, and I mean horrible...diaper rash. That stinkin' antibiotic I spoke of in yesterday's post? Yep, it's the culprit. You'd better believe her Dr. is getting a phone call at the crack of chickens! She was bleeding and really red. She screamed all evening long, it seemed. She couldn't sit down. We couldn't touch her rear when we held her. I mean it was just an insanely difficult evening. Rainbow was super jealous because I couldn't pay her any attention at all since I was so busy with her sister. It was just an exhausting evening. Ladybug didn't sleep but 15 minutes the whole day. This mommie is tired! So I'm gonna wrap up this post now.
The kids are in bed and asleep.
Grandma has taken over supervision.
I'm headed to Wal-Mart...we're running out of diapers.
It's my life story.
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